My dear families and friends it has been a long time since I have sat down to write. So much has happened- we had 2 birthdays, one holiday festival, oh and Barbara's and my birthdays and the Bakke's are back in Norway. Some of the photos, and there are a lot this time, are from December and then some from January. During this time of year I find myself reflecting on many things, one of which is how grateful I am for so many things. The first is my daughter who really brought me to Waldorf Education. The second is to my sister and her husband who are so very generous to us- from the gorgeous pots we cook The Cottage Garden food in, to the glasses we drink from, the food and love at my birthday party oh so much more I thank you . Of course there is Barbara who is my mostly companion, my partner in life and work-her gifts are many and we have grown so much together working with your children with the common ground of Anthroposophy and Waldorf Education below and above us. Lastly to all of you who trust us with your children, watching them develop right before our eyes is such a blessing. The play had been spectacular- as you all know we had our butternut tree cut down over the vacation and we had all the logs left for the children. It is like a dream for me, city girl at heart, to finally have my own logs and stumps making a wonderful playground for the children. We have had campfires with roasted marshmallows, a boat, a castle, a garden, they climb, jump roll and find endless ways to use them. It is very magical.
As they climb they are finding balance, both inwardly and outwardly. They must learn to negotiate socially, with our help of course, so as not to knock a friend over, to share the space, pails sand etc. Play is truly the work of children and we are glad to be able to provide the space and time for it to happen.
December Photos
Oh heavy! |
Ruby & Tim |
Emerson & Barry |
Oscar & Anna |
Everyone on the Couch!! |
Baking our Gingerbread Cookies |
Baking our Gingerbread Cookies |
Decorating |
Celia Helping |
What Concentration!
House Building |
Cozy |
Waiting for story time |
Watching the tree come down across the street |
Watching the tree come down across the street |
Elyon & Erin's Birthday |
Angels on the Tree waiting to be uncovered |
Mia reading to Erin |
Emerson & Kate |
We made a library! |
Our Holiday Festival |
January 2012 Kaia's first day |
Mia, Brenden and Poppy |
Henry loves the babies |
The Boys are playing |
Knight Mia |
Elyon after his three year old birthday haircut. |
Kaia joins in |
The Christmas tree being decorated |
Housebuilding outside |
The Queens "sister" in her castle |
Back to Dec for a few photos |
Back to Dec for a few photos |
Back to Dec for a few photos |
Outside in January
The children made a "campfire to roast marshmallows" |
Elyon was telling us a story while we roasted and got warm |
Mia & Eden resting in the bedroom |
Pirate Emerson |
with his First Mate Henry |
Emerson's City |
Duncan, our new puppy, gets fed |
finally snow! |
Levi comes to visit |
Emerson puts up the 3 Beacons and the light |
Tables become sleds...will they work??? |
Inside for a nice warm meal- soup with pasta and cheese |
Yumm says Ruby |
and Elyon |
Our Nature Table and room in January |
King Winter |
what could be more fun then playing with my friends |
A snow house was built |