Sunday, November 13, 2011


Well it seems that I haven't written in 2 weeks yikes! The time flies.. I am reminded of a little verse I wrote for the children.

Prince Autumn now is leaving
Jack Frost is on his way.
The days are growing colder
November is here to day

We have made a little gift for each family to light your Thanksgiving table. We are singing our lantern songs now and hearing about Hugin and his Grandmother, who will be a continuing theme here for the children and they will bring many stories, songs and adventures to us. How do we bring the light inside- as the world outside gets colder and darker how can we learn to do that for each other and ourselves. Here in our little Cottage Garden we sing, eat, play  and even  rest together. A little community is being built day by day, play by play, bite by bite and we hope all of you, our dear parents, feel that too. I just had my 60th birthday and I must say it has made me reflect upon my life. I feel so fortunate to still be doing what I love. I have known for most of my life that I wanted to dedicate it to young children- I feel it is a calling for me and I am so grateful to share it with Barbara, all of you and your children and especially my daughter who brought me to Waldorf Education in a formal way.  Oh I am getting a little sentimental here but I really mean every word.   

We are singing Lantern songs so here are the words and music will come soon.

Our Favorite Lantern Song
Glimmer lantern glimmer, little stars a shimmer
Over meadow, moor and dale
Flitter flutter elfin vale
Peewit peewit, tick-a-tick-a-tick. Roo-coo, roo-coo

 Glimmer lantern glimmer, little stars a shimmer
Over rock and stock and stone
Wander tripping little gnome
Peewit peewit, tick-a-tick-a-tick. Roo-coo, roo-coo

Lantern Song 1

I walk with my little lantern, my lantern myself and I.
Up yonder bright little stars shine. Down here we’re stars to the sky.
The new moon shines, the cat meows,
hey, hey, hey la-boom-a-la boom-a-la  bay
hey, hey, hey la-boom-a-la boom-a-la  bay

Lantern Song 2
The sunlight fast is dwindling, my little lamp needs kindling
It’s beam shines far in darkest night
Dear lantern, guard me with your light.


Storm Clouds Ahead!

Oliver visits

and Lily

even Bop!

Lets get in the ship

Who needs toys!

Mimi and her baby brother

Mimi and her "baby sister"

taking them for a walk

and over the bridge

Our Seasonal Wreath


Now I am big enough to climb the tree

Peach pits make great cake, good for sorting, for counting but most of all for playing!



  1. I can't stop laughing about "Storm clouds ahead!!!" Thank you, Celia (and Barbara!)

  2. Ohhh, so much to enjoy here. Such a rich world of play!!!
    I am completely wowed by Karolina balancing on the chair!!
    Love the shot of Emmy looking very busy behind the wooden tree rounds stacked up, and the wooden barrel-planter thingy.
    And Mia leading her little "little brother" and "little sister" about!! This is very special, I imagine her very much in her element in that role.

    Thank you, once again Celia, for sharing these. And also for your birthday retrospective. We are just as fortunate to have you in our lives. We are so blessed with your love and community spirit. I am growing and learning along with Erin in the beautiful space that you and Barbara hold for not just the children, but for all of us. Sentimental hugs back to you. xo
