Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's Raining It's Pouring

Here I am- up way too late on this  weekend evening. It was a rainy week but thanks to all of you wonderful parents we all have rain clothes and can go out to play. They children found the dripping water from the gutter and rain pipe and were in heaven. The puddles were like lakes, the squirmy, wormy, worms were in great abundance and the play continued.... Besides the rainy play there was, The House That Emmy built, with the help of Mimi and Oskar. if you look carefully they took ALL the pails, shovels etc and made a boundary that was the house, then they put a concrete (their word!) floor and painted it- with sand of course. The logs were the ravine where the river went through. They played and painted and climbed until it was time for lunch. We also made applesauce this week and on Thursday when the littles were napping in the living room in their beds, Emmy, Mia, Oskar & I cleaned our playroom- we took everything off the shelves and wiped them down with lavender soap and water, dried each shelf and put everything back. Then we opened my closet- it is in the playroom and just outside the closet door there is a very mysterious light switch- when you switch it  nothing ever happens. But today lo and behold the light went on in my closet then the children washed the floor to get rid of all the fuzzles  and had a grand time taking all my shoes out, looking at them, commenting on them, before neatly putting them back. We have the cleanest playroom in the world.

Here are the photos of the week

The Gnomes are Back!

This is the house.......

"Painting" the concrete floor

Oh finally done I can relax!

No you have to move that.......

A visitor in the house

Silly Oskar!

Baby Oscar and his Mom relax a while.

Time to get on the train.....

Me too says Ruby

But first I  see a lovely flower

Lets go riding in the car, car

ooo Yummy Applesauce

Oh it is hard work

It's Raining It's Pouring

Pouring so well

Sand Cake yum...

Water, water everywhere

Oh what fun to splish splash in the mud.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Getting to Know Each Other

Good Evening All,
  The weekend is almost over and i have not written yet. There was the Fiber Twist this weekend and a birthday party-so many things to do! As I was observing the children this week I was struck by the beauty of their hair- yes you heard me right- just look at those curls and that beautiful blonde hair... we are continuing to get to know each other and the rhythm of the days. The children are feeling more and more comfortable with us and with each other. We found many juicy worms and played ball, baked sand cakes, tried a bit of wet felting  and just "were" in the garden. Fall is in the air and sniffles can be  heard so keep warm it may be time to get that woolie underwear out.

finding balance

Ruby helps me "tell" the story

Gardening with Kristin

Gardening with Kristin

Gardening with Kristin

Serious baking!

Emerson's Bakery

Oh all the things one can do with a cone!

Wet Felting with Celia

Wet Felting with Celia

Look at all that Hair!!!

Yummy soup.

Good night, sleep tight