Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Universal Language of Play

Good Morning all. Our second week has come and gone and with each day the children were able to settle in more and more. The  rhythm of the day is strong and secure for them and the play was wonderful. We had one cozy, rainy day that we did not venture out in and it turned into a bonding Play experience for all the children. Even without  a common verbal language the common language of Play held it all together and what fun they all had.  This week we made applesauce together, colored with crayons and  continued to get to know each other.   A bit more about our Rhythm- after each meal we wipe our hands with a washcloth. We have a bowl of 8 washcloths, rinsed in lavender oil and water, one for each child, for each meal, in the color of the day. After they have wiped their hands and face they love to fold them, make them into masks, snakes,  rectangles or triangles- who says there is no math at The Cottage Garden!

Here are the photos of the week. Enjoy!

A froggie came a courtin

Making Applesauce

nap time

Math at The Cottage Garden

More Math after lunch